Create your own Clan that everyone wants to stay in

What is the Tacticool Brotherhood Program?
The Panzerdog team has created a community for Presidents who want to build their own active Clan in the game. It helps you make friends and find new members. To complete Daily and Clan Missions together. To host contests, tournaments, earn rewards and community achievements. And for the new players to find and join a really good Clan.
How to become a part of the Brotherhood?
Make sure that you and your Clan meet the requirements:
  1. You already made your own Discord server or chat in messenger/social network and have a link to it in the in-game description of the Clan.
  2. Join our Discord server — it's where you can get a special community role, communicate with the team and other Brotherhood members.
  3. Apply through this form.

Not much of requirements, huh?

It takes some time to review your application. Please note that the Program is in the beta stage and we will select only a few Clans to participate (no more than 20). If everything is okay, you will get a direct message from Tacticool HQ on Discord, and then we can get you on board.
What about the goals and benefits?
As part of the Brotherhood, regardless of your success, number of people in the Clan, activities, and meeting the Tiers requirements, the following are available to you:

  • Unique role on the official Tacticool Discord server
  • Featuring your Clan in the special Brotherhood section on Discord
  • Access to the closed chat with other Presidents to share experiences
  • The Brotherhood community manager supports with Clan management, contests, tournaments, tips, and onboarding new members to your Clan
  • Opportunity to participate in interviews and be mentioned in Clan Talks special posts
  • Community missions to get engaged with other Presidents and receive additional rewards for your Clan
When you join the Brotherhood, you start from the beginning. Here you'll make your first steps as a Clan President or Vice-president, learn useful tips on improving your Discord server and find out how to build an engaging Clan for both new and existing members. You’re growing up your Clan with our support to reach the Tiers.
What about Brotherhood Tiers and rewards for it?
Nowadays, the Tacticool Brotherhood Program has 3 Tiers:
The Brotherhood can determine the number of benefits a Clan can receive through the Tier system and may alter it with future improvements. All details about requirements and rewards for Tiers below.

NOTE: Current list of Tiers and rewards is subject to change.

Updated 13.06.2024


How to find and join Clans from Brotherhood
Here you can check the list of active Clans that we are sure are great and where you can find friends, teammates and have fun playing together. Click on the orange names to join their Discord servers, get contacts, send a message, or submit a request to join. Start your journey to a unique experience of playing in the Clan, become part of the Brotherhood, and get a bunch of rewards.

Ready to build a community and grow your Clan?
Fill out the form below and get a chance to start a special Tacticool Brotherhood mission!
(tap on your in-game name to find it)
(Optional) Why do you want to join the Program? How long have you been playing Tacticool? Tell us anything about you or your Clan and why we should choose you!
By clicking Send, you give your consent to Panzerdog Oy to process your personal data
according to the Privacy Policy.