With a huge delay, but anyway, our comments on your feedback in October are out! Get more about the Mods, Shop improvements, reporting toxic players, rewards and our plans about Owen. Check all details below. Don’t forget to share your thoughts on Discord in #suggestions channel.
Our comments on November suggestions will be shared in a few days. Stay tuned!
Remove the requirement of needing the top and bottom Epic Mods to unlock the middle one. This should only be for Legendary Mods.
At the moment, we do not plan to change the way Epic Mods are unlocked. To unlock Epic and Legendary Mods, you need to put in a bit more effort and fully upgrade your weapon.
Bring back the old Special Shop, where pieces for every Operator were available simultaneously. What is the point of discounts for random Operators with updates more than a day?
We are currently working on improving the in-game Shop and its offerings. However, it's unlikely that items for all Operators will be available at the same time.
Reporting players doesn't work. We keep playing with these players who kill their teammates over and over again. They make the game unplayable.
We are checking reports and enforcing measures against cheaters and toxic players. If you face players who consistently disrupt their teammates, report them to our support team along with evidence of the violation. We will review the report, and the player will receive a temporary restriction for toxic behavior.
Battle Royale and Descent missions should give 1 Toxicoin per day. Since Descent mode missions are based on the number of zombies killed, they harm cooperation and friendship. Descent missions should be based on the number of floors climbed.
Our team is looking for the optimal quantity and composition of rewards in various Events. While we can't guarantee the changes will align exactly with your suggestions, we'll take it into consideration. Regarding the reward for the number of completed floors — we’ll bring this up for discussion, thank you.
Rework Owen's dash and his "Pain Is An Illusion" Talent. The rework shouldn't be anything crazy. I propose instead of a flat "-95% Damage resistance during Dash", you could change it to "-95% Bullet and explosives resistance during Dash".
Owen’s Dash ability and some other features will be adjusted in the near future. However, we can’t promise that these changes will also affect the “Pain Is An Illusion” Talent.